Let’s say that you are at a party. A stranger comes to you and asks you a question. It’s just a small talk, something really simple. What can you do to keep up with conversation? Some of these small hints can help you for sure! A stranger today, a friend tomorrow, as they say!
First things first. Greet that person and be sure to do it properly. It looks strange if you are too formal with your equal. And it looks even stranger if you act too friendly towards your boss! So, if you know this person, you can say ‘Hi!’. Or maybe ‘Hello!’. If you are not familiar with them, it’s better to say ‘It’s nice to meet you.’ Another way to greet someone is to say ‘How are you doing?’ This type of greeting can be used safely with almost anyone.
İngilis dili “Beynəlxalq ortaq dil” statusunu almış ilk dildir. Dünyanın bir sıra hegemon dövlətlərində dövlət dili olmaqla yanaşı, 2 milyarda yaxın insanın da ikinci dilidir. Əhatə dairəsi bu qədər geniş olduğuna görə İngilis dilinə olan tələbat da buna müvafiq olaraq çoxdur. İngilis dilinin tarixi erkən əsrlərə gedib çıxır. Mərkəzimiz tərəfindən böyüklər və azyaşlılar üçün İngilis dili kurslar təşkil edilir. Özünüzün və ya övladlarınızın dil biliyin artırılması üçün mərkəzimizə müraciət edə bilərsiniz. Kurslarda iştirak üçün bizə müraciət etməniz kifayətdir.
If you don’t know the other person, you must also introduce yourself to them. For example, ‘I’m John’, or ‘My name is Sarah.’ Usually it is polite to introduce yourself first.
You can probably find something common to discuss very quickly. After all, you both are at the same party! Ask them if they like the party so far to keep the conversation going.
If you feel good about it, you can also tell about your hobbies or ask the other person about them. Don’t talk about politics or things you don’t like! The first impression you make is very important. Good memories are also important. Some light snacks can make any conversation that much better.
If you want to end the conversation quickly, you can say: ‘If you’ll excuse me, please.’ Then quickly go to some other place or a person. And if you liked it, don’t be afraid to ask the other person for a way to contact them!
Practice your conversation skills, acquire new words for your vocabulary, and you will make new friends in no time!
Sonda isə “Qiymətləndirib şərh yazın” düyməsin klik edib xidmətimizi qiymətləndirib bizim haqqımızda şərh yazın. Bu qədər asan )